Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Juicy Life--Breaking the Fast, The Final Chapter

Today is the last day I will be blogging about my Juicy Life. I consider my juice feast completed to success.

I have a lot to say today but I woke up late, and skipping the gym is not an option! I hope you'll come back tonight when I'm sure I'll have FASCINATING things to say! (Note to self: think of something fascinating!) Ciao for now!

Ok, I'm back! Did you miss me? I feel like I should say something profound about this whole experience, but I also feel like I already said what I had to say on Day 40 and with my video. I guess all that's left to do is to think about what I will take away from this experience.

I feel really proud that I was able to make it for the whole 40 days. I feel good about what I was able to do for my body. I detoxified at a deep, cellular level, and I released 35 lbs over the 40 days. I exhibited a lot of self-control and deepened my relationship with God as He got me through it. I was able to work on limiting beliefs, get rid of clutter, and bring up areas in my life where I was still holding on to pain or unforgiveness, and send healing love to those places. I made a great friend, and almost lost him right away. I learned to never take the people in your life for granted. They are a gift from God and should be regarded as such.

Most of all, when I look back, I will cherish this time for the friendships I've made and the special people who I am extremely privileged to have in my life. Penni, (Shelton, of rawfoodrehab.com)you are an extraordinary woman. You have been so good to me, so nurturing and encouraging, generous, loving, a wise mentor and a gorgeous red-headed cheerleader all rolled into one. I asked you once where you hide your wings. You said you're no angel but you can't fool me...I'm still looking for them...

Susan (Penni's right-hand woman at RFR), I can always count on you for encouragement and to always hold the high ground of positivity. You are such a shining light in this place, and in this world. The mansion would not be half the place it is without you. I feel so lucky to have you as my mansion "Resident Assistant"!

Rather than an ending, I feel a new beginning coming on. I want to spend some more time with my new "in real life" friends, Annette and Mauri and Thubten, and my new Seattle friends. My new friends in the computer, no less dear, I will have more time to read all your blogs and write back and forth to you and join with all of you as we all get radiantly, ridiculously healthy and gorgeous and deliriously ecstatic. And then we go out and heal the world with our love and we all live happily ever after. Amen.

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