Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Juicy Life--Day 31 of My 40 Day Juice Feast

What Day I'm On: 31 out of 40, 77.5% of the way through

Several people have asked me if I am going to continue to blog when I am done with my juice feast. The answer is absolutely, yes. It has been super-fulfilling to be able to put it all out there, and get such awesome advice and support and encouragement. I have a long road ahead of me, healing, releasing weight, and becoming the woman I want to be. I will need everyone on my team that I can get! That is what is so great about RFR. We're all in this together. I love you guys!

That said, I will move my blog out of the liquid lounge when the juice feast is over, about day 46, when the fast is completely broken. If you go to my profile by clicking on the picture of my face, and go to "see my blog posts" you can see all of the posts I've written since 2008, when I tried raw for 1 month and decided I was crazy and it was "too hard." lol Obviously, you have to give yourself permission to screw up and try again. If I had stuck with it in 2008, I would probably be at my goal weight right now! Just a thought for anyone who is still on the fence.

How It's Going: I had some scary, unfun, detox yesterday. We were coming home from taking Mom out for the day, and my belly started cramping violently and I needed a bathroom, NOW. We were on the freeway with no exits with gas stations near by, so I decided I would just tough it out and pray that I got home in time. I did, but just barely, and by that time I was feeling violently ill: nauseated, diarrhea, muscle aches and chills. This went on for an hour solid, and then I put myself right to bed. That was 8 p.m. and I woke up at 7 a.m. this morning! I never sleep that long. Ever. 7 hrs is about what I need.

I had no indication that there was trouble in Bathroom City before that, except that I really had no appetite and didn't really want to drink much juice, only 1.5 quarts. I mostly wanted water. I knew that had happened to Penni a few times because of reading Real Juice Daily so I didn't force it, and now I am glad. Obviously, my body was engaged in powerful detox to get something really nasty out of me. Today, I feel fine, except I have a slept-too-much hangover. I am learning to trust my body's leadings and my own instincts.

By the way, if you still haven't gotten your copy of Real Juice Daily, you should really do it this weekend. Penni is generously giving 100% of the proceeds to Dave The Raw Food Truck Driver for his stroke recovery fund if you buy it this Labor Day weekend. It is a fabulous read: much better than my blog! lol Penni has such great insights. I don't want to give too much away, but it is about so much more than juicing. It is an exceptional account of what a real, extended juice feast looks and feels like. (Penni did 92 days, if you can imagine!) If you already have it, but you still want to contribute to Dave's Stroke Recovery Fund, you can do it here:

Just want to remind you all of the Candlelight Vigil for Dave The Raw Food Trucker tonight at dusk. (All of my Kiwi and Aussie friends who already lit their candles and sent their prayers and energy, I thank you my dear ones!) For anyone who is reading this on Sunday, tonight when it gets dark, please light a candle and send prayers, energy, love, whatever your spiritual practice, to Dave with these three intentions: that the Master's perfect will be manifest in Dave's life; that he be restored to perfect health and wholeness, and that his financial needs would be covered, and he would be blessed with outrageous abundance and prosperity.

Thank you all in advance for what you are doing for Dave! Remember that every blessing you send out blesses the giver as well as the receiver. Tonight, we shine the Light!

Today, after church, I am going to my friend's house who has been begging me to teach her to sew for weeks now. (I love to sew but I resisted because when the heck do I have time?!) But with the holiday weekend, I have time. She is an amateur designer, ala "Project Runway" and she has a great name for a designer: Cher. She wants to learn pattern making and construction, so she can turn her designs into wearable garments. That is kind of my specialty, since that is exactly what I have done for the last 8 years for my son's professional children's musical theatre. If we make anything great, I'll take photos, ok? :)

I still have plenty of juice left from yesterday so I am prepared for the day. (I know that's not ideal, that juice should be drunk right away, but I can't bear to waste it!) Have a wonderful Sunday, and don't forget to shine the Light for Dave! (You know I'm going to check up on you tomorrow, right?!)

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